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Having One-to-One sessions allows me to give you my undivided attention and allows me to see exactly where you are going right and wrong in your training and can keep you on track and motivated more than you ever have before from training.


For me technique is absolutely vital to prevent injury and achieve maximum results. In order to gain the best results and value for money it is essential that you fully commit to the training and diet programming. If you do then the results will come quicker than you think and it will keep you motivated to continue your fitness journey once you no longer require my services.


My sessions are delivered at Ultra Flex Gym in Seacroft, North Leeds and this is hands down THE BEST gym in Leeds! With hundreds of pieces of equipment at your disposal the variety to your sessions are endless. Looking to train during peak time? don't sweat it, even at peak times there is plenty of equipment free to use!


If you are thinking of giving it a try then the first month membership is HALF PRICE if you choose me as your coach! (no contract required for this offer)

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